Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Post-Electric Typewriter

One Flood After Another

Mall Bunny

The Easter Bunny is weird and a little creepy. Not scary really, nothing close to being a clown for Gods Sakes no! I feel bad for him, never going to get the crowds a Santa Claus draws even though he’s much a part of holiday as jolly ole Saint Nick and is a secular symbol of an otherwise religious event. Santa Claus doesn’t have pagan roots, unlike other aspects of yuletide like the tree and ornaments and yuletide log. But the glorification of the rabbit, the dyeing of the eggs, the candy—all bits of spring celebration of pre-Christian Europe. I wonder when bringing your child to sit on the Easter Bunny’s lap became something to do. I don’t remember that as a kid, and we had Malls and Easter way back then too. It’s a photo-op and seemed to me, the average age was noticeably younger than those in line for Santa. And, why does the Easter Bunny live in a split-level tea pot? Where does that come from? Or the glasses? It’s just weird. The kids are cute. The woman behind the camera taking the picture had this small tambourine which she shook over her head to get the attention of the child, maybe inspire a smile. I’m frightened of this giant anthropomorphic creature. Do I ask the bunny for something. He doesn’t bring presents like Santa, he brings candy. You can only wish for Candy. Lots & Lots of candy.
Easter Egg Interment Camp

Sign of Un-Rented Mall Space

Face Spewing into Fountain

Palm Sunday
Monday, March 29, 2010
Stain Glass Francis

I noticed this stain glass the same place I noticed this statue of the same Saint, Saint Francis of Assisi. The statute highlighted his love of animals, this image emphasizes his stigmata, considered to be the first in the history of church. You may recall the statue of another stigmatist, Saint Padre Pio right here in Jersey City. The stigmata are the wounds of Christ, a sign of holiness. I love the literal nature of this stain glass, the light streaming through the holes in the hands and feet. Or as he declared in a famous canticle, “Be praised, my Lord, through all your creatures, especially through my lord Brother Sun,who brings the day; and you give light through him. And he is beautiful and radiant in all his splendor! Of you, Most High, he bears the likeness.”
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Mitzvah Mobility

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Neon Clipping

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Corner Garden

Monday, March 22, 2010
2010 Creative Grove Season Begins

For more information on Creative Grove click here. I was looking forward to our local Art Mart. I wanted a reason to hang out outside in the non-Winter weather and ease into the weekend. My anticipation seemed shared. The turn-out seemed high, one of the better crowds for the weekly event that I could recall.
Last year was the inaugural year for Creative Grove. There was always a nice vibe going on and a lot of the artists returned week in and week out, indicating that the endeavor was profitable. Some may look at Creative Grove as a visible manifestation of our arts & crafts community. That description implies that the arts are a separate community, segregated from the community at large. I don’t see the arts like that. Artists contribute to society, are part of society. Creative Grove integrates arts into the community. Basically, it’s a flea market, without the fleas or antiques—at least not yet. But it seems the flea market sales part is just the excuse for what people really use Creative Grove for: a reason to pass some time and socialize. That’s what people do. They see what’s on sale, maybe buy something now or buy something next time. Then they head home or where ever else they are headed. The same sort of scene takes place in Union Square Park across the river, but we’re not the capital of the world. Creative Grove is local, which makes it more endearing.
I found a chair, read a little and observed the scene. The sun was setting to set, its light felt warm on my face. Spring sweetened the air.

Lots of new art to look at. There was an actual artist in residence too, leaning into an easel with a canvas, rendering the corner buildings with brush and paint. I noticed some children watching him paint, fascinated. Lasted only a few moments, then they scampered on to some other distraction. The parents seemed pleased. The kids can play and frolic, everybody gets out of the house, away from the T.V.. Everyone gets to wonder aloud if winter may really be gone. A nice vibe was felt by all.

Iconic album cover images digitally reproduced on actual LPs. This is the work of Mike Ferrari. Sort of looks like my college bedroom, I never put away those damn records. I liked that Billie Holiday and Patti Smith were on the same table. The images were rendered in shiny monochromatic colors. The circular objects gleamed.
Visit: http://www.mikeferrari.net/.

This is the man behind Iris Records. For a really interesting story about this record store, located on Brunswick, click here.
It’s a Jersey City Independent story. The record store held limited hours, Fridays. Apparently, they had a following for selling vinyl. I’m not going back to vinyl. I’m perfectly happy with CDs. The store is located in this funky building, used to be a pharmacy. I was in there once. I didn’t get anything – even though there was a CD I wanted, the guy wouldn’t sell me the CDs, he was only selling LPs. The business and the business owners may be idiosyncratic and more than a little eccentric, but what a great space. But I couldn’t help but ask, can a retail store that wasn’t really a store really close?
“I didn’t like the grind.”
“One day a week was a grind?”
He laughed. “I’m more underground, but I’ll be here every Friday.”
Few things I like better than looking through rows of CDs. DVDs are for sale too. The selection is impressive. I could have bought about a dozen or so, but I did find a Duke Ellington & John Coltrane, an Impulse release that has heretofore escaped my purview. My compulsion towards Coltrane completion continues. Maybe I’m old enough to finally appreciate the Duke or is it just that Coltrane can do no wrong? A mere eight bucks! I was digging on it all weekend.
.For more information on Iris Records click here.

This is the man behind Iris Records. For a really interesting story about this record store, located on Brunswick, click here.
It’s a Jersey City Independent story. The record store held limited hours, Fridays. Apparently, they had a following for selling vinyl. I’m not going back to vinyl. I’m perfectly happy with CDs. The store is located in this funky building, used to be a pharmacy. I was in there once. I didn’t get anything – even though there was a CD I wanted, the guy wouldn’t sell me the CDs, he was only selling LPs. The business and the business owners may be idiosyncratic and more than a little eccentric, but what a great space. But I couldn’t help but ask, can a retail store that wasn’t really a store really close?
“I didn’t like the grind.”
“One day a week was a grind?”
He laughed. “I’m more underground, but I’ll be here every Friday.”
Few things I like better than looking through rows of CDs. DVDs are for sale too. The selection is impressive. I could have bought about a dozen or so, but I did find a Duke Ellington & John Coltrane, an Impulse release that has heretofore escaped my purview. My compulsion towards Coltrane completion continues. Maybe I’m old enough to finally appreciate the Duke or is it just that Coltrane can do no wrong? A mere eight bucks! I was digging on it all weekend.
.For more information on Iris Records click here.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Heating Asphalt, Faking Bricks

They aren’t really cobblestones at all, it’s decorative asphalt made by Pavement Impressions. Mike from the company told me how they do it. Using a Pavement Heater SR-60, they heat up the asphalt until it is malleable.

A template of brick formations is placed over the warm tar. Another machine is used to flatten the template against the asphalt to form the brick impressions. A sheet of reddish thermoplastic is then placed over the template, more heating is involved until the substance melts, covering the brick shapes, turning them into, faux brick cobblestones. They look pretty good. It’s a pretty clever trick and you know something, it makes the street safer. Traffic can be pretty bad downtown, but not like Manhattan and jay walking seems encouraged. Jay walking I define as crossing where there’s a light—crossing in between, not at the green. You see the signs of international stick figures of people walking, crossing. Drivers can see the red bricks and perhaps they slow down. Can’t drive as fast over cobble stones as you can flat tar. Alright, asphalt is not tar but I think of them as synonyms.
There’s a big pile of bricks just down the street. I guess fake is cheaper than real when it comes to bricks. Mike said it was the third crossway his company has done for Jersey City. The others were done by another company using a slightly different process. Fake brick cobblestones that look and function like the real thing. Admit it you never knew this either.
My Sneaky Hamilton Park Preview

I was near Hamilton Park on Friday, a lovely afternoon, early spring, perfect for enjoying the park. The park is closed and next months it will be closed for an entire year. Yes, they found contaminated soil. I can accept that causing some delays. Yes, we’ve had a lot of snow fall. Again, that could mess with a schedule. What gets me though is that with the original proposal and then with the estimates after the lead in soil was discovered, we never see an exact date. I can understand not an exact date, or maybe even week, but not even a month?
The gate was opened. I’m rarely around here during the week. So, what the heck I walked. Took a few pictures. It looks pretty good. Consider these an exclusive preview. Of course, even with the fence, the work and its sluggish pace have not been exactly hidden.
“I have to ask you to leave, this is a construction site.” He was a nice enough guy and spoke to me gently.
“I saw the gate opened, I just wanted to look around.” I wasn’t about to make an issue of it. He didn’t ask about taking pictures. I asked him, “when do you think it will be done.”
“Two months.”
“May? It will be done in May?”
I guess we’ll see. I hate the idea of the park missing another summer. Seemed to me, they could open part of the park now, move the fence and just continue on their “construction.” That’s just me I guess.
Hamilton Park Hot Dog Vendor

“We knew you would be out today,” said one old woman
“We're from the senior center,” added her friend. "You're always here when it's nice."
“It’s nice out today, too nice to eat inside,” said the hot dog vendor. He held the tongs which grasped a hot dog that he was slipping into a bun.
I didn’t want to interrupt. It was not until I was across the street that I took this picture. Kids were in the play ground across the street, a day school situation. The park is still closed yet park activity continues.
The Art of a Sign

Saint Patrick’s Day Parade

Until last fall, the office I work at was located on 46th street, twixt 5th & Madison. I have a sort of flexible deal. I don’t have to be in the office every day and can work out of my home office; I always make sure I was there on Saint Patrick’s Day. I like to be in New York to witness the festivities.
Not everybody had this attitude. The streets are crowded and noisy; more than few folks in the throngs have been drinking. But there’s an energy I love. Walking around and seeing all the green is fun. Every Deli serves great corn beef.
Before the current office gig, I of course had been to the parade a few times. I wear some green and have a drink or two on St. Patrick’s Day, but it is not an event I would go out of my way for. Due to happenstance, working in that part of Manhattan, I now find it a pleasant diversion and also a good excuse to have a few whiskeys after work with cohorts. Why not raise a glass, pay some tribute, give props as the kids say to the Irish?
I don’t really see too much of the parade. The parade itself is kind of gross. What is great is walking “behind the scenes,” on the feeder streets. My office was located on one of these feeder streets. The parade seems to start around 42nd and goes up 80th I think, although there are plans afoot to shorten the parade route. The viewing stand is at 50th street, St. Patrick’s Cathedral. On the feeder streets—the streets between 42nd & 49th (or so), you see the marchers, bag pipers and such, but especially the kids, the high school marching bands. Their energy is infectious. They have so much enthusiasm and giddy anxiety. I think about how they’ll always have this memory of coming into NYC from whatever small town, be in the Midwest or in Long Island and being in a parade. It isn’t half as much fun watching them march, as it is watching them wait, watching them anticipate the moment they put all those after school practice times into motion.
I did notice that fewer contingents were on the feeder streets, one maybe two formations of folks ready to march. Not the three or four I recalled from years past. Another sign of the recession? Had schools cut the Saint Patrick’s Day trip out of their budgets, or cut the band budgets? Or did the parade get shortened. I was up there around 1pm and it was already winding down—I passed street sweepers already in formation at like 43rd. That darn thing used to run at least until 3:00 pm. The sanitation department was ready to go before 1 pm. Cut this short, no overtime pay for anybody. I guess the parade can withstand some austerity—they still don’t let gays march under their own banner which is nothing less than pure bigotry—but it is kind of messed up that because of Wall Street greed and Republican enabling of the greed, our economy is in such bad shape we tell kids, sorry, your marching band cannot be Irish for one day. It’s not in the budget.
I noticed an interesting contingent of young Asian kids wearing white t-shirts for the Old Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, which is down there by Little Italy and China Town. One of the oldest churches in the U.S., it’s where the Irish first got organized in the New World. Changing demographics have made the congregation Asian. The irony is touching and relevant, if you think about it, the standard bearers of some authentic Irish-American tradition being off spring of another group of immigrants.
I went to the parade when I was in College, we did some serious partying—like getting a case of beer, sitting down on the sidewalk and drinking the whole thing. Several years ago, they started putting tighter controls on the open air boozing, a good thing. Drinking went on, just not as blatantly. Well, those controls have now lapsed. I noticed kids and more drunken kids than parades of recent years. Many groups of tipsy young adults and older teenagers wandered about. They weren’t brandishing beers but they had a lot of plastic mugs and drinking cups, with the straw and lid. They were obviously a wee lit up. Luckily, I was back in the office by the time most of the vomiting began. I noticed very little rowdiness. Kids should party. It is a good thing. I wish I could still sit on the sidewalk.
By the same token, the cops were imposing more security. They were not stopping the kids for boozing it up some, but they were stricter about walking down streets, keeping some sidewalks clear. I felt they were over doing it. I think it was part of plan to wrap this up early. Eliminating freedom and limiting your fun—that’s been Bloomberg’s New York City policy, making that city safe for Rich White People. He seems more intent on that now that he has been able to purchase a third term.
The bars were all crowded and we encountered a waitress attitude. We’re only serving tap beer and you have to eat if you want to sit at the tables. No appetizers, just a $20 corn beef on rye. After work? Places were packed of course. There are these Irish bars around this area, Grand Central and of course do a booming business on St. Patrick’s Day and this being New York, business could always be better. Anyone can be shyster in NYC, and it may soon be mandated into the Municipal Code of Manhattan. Wound up having the traditional few at a TGI Fridays of all places. I drink Jameson on this day, so no worries.
I’m part Irish, on my mother’s side. My feelings about this heritage can be ambivalent, especially when it comes to certain parades. I was in a good mood though on Wednesday, where we had a sudden burst of spring and some long wished for sunshine. The Irish are known for drinking, and yes it’s a stereotype but the truth is few cultures are so closely aligned with alcohol as the Irish are with Whiskey and Lager, Ale, Stout and drinking is part of the St. Patrick’s Day celebration. If you grow up around here, a rite of passage is checking out the NYC parade. The young adults were well represented and it did seem more of them were boozing it up some. I think the older adults who are aghast and appalled about this forget what it was like to be 21. Drinking is fun until it isn’t fun and it is something we should not take lightly. I’m lucky, I go for weeks or months even without a drink, I never feel I have to a drink, never had mood changes or black outs. Everyone who knows me knows that I have never not drunk like a gentleman. Well, maybe when I was in college… but that’s all about learning how to drink. By 30 or so, if you are unable to drink like a gentleman (or a lady!) you will have already quit drinking, and if you haven’t quit and you have a problem, you’re dead or homeless or enduring some other devastation. You’ve either come to grips with your drinking problem or have learned to live in denial about your alcoholism. Who knows why someone gets that disease and someone else does not. I do now that having a few drinks with friends is still one of the best things in life. As you get older, it is something that happens less and less often, thus you appreciate those times more and more.
Seeing those kids drinking and being intoxicated—I did see an actual hurling upchuck walking towards the PATH—made me sweetly wistful. They were drunk but not disorderly. Some may learn to drink responsibly and some will not and they will suffer the consequences. No one knows what your life has in store for you. New York is a great place to learn how to drink. St. Patrick’s Day Parade is like freshman orientation—not everybody will be here when you graduate.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Yeats - 03-17-2010
Others because you did not keep
That deep-sworn vow have been friends of mine
Yet Always when I look death in the face,
When I clamber to the heights of sleep,
Or when I grow excited with wine,
Suddenly I meet your face.
William Butler Yeats 1917
Blogger note: Happy St. Patrick's Day. Read more Yeats!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Iridescent Lightning

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