Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Construction Losing Face

Construction progresses, destroying a piece of temporary by design street art, a face fated to reappear.

This huge red piece of construction equipment and an attachment several stories high has been on this lot for a while. The other day more workers were there, things were getting down to business. An apartment buildings, just what we need, more condos. No renters the foreman told me.

The machine is a pile driver, but it is drilling into the ground instead of driving the posts for the foundation. There will be no basement here, no excavation. The reason for the drilling is that the area is residential that the vibrations it might could cause could cause damage in addition to the obvious noise and annoyance, already considerable. Holes are drilled, posts are put into the hole and concrete will be poured in, creating a foundation for the construction of a building.

Sure, I miss the face but just think, the artist will soon have a much bigger canvas.

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