Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tree Stump Park

From far and wide they come to the corner of Jersey & Newark for Jersey City’s famed tree stump park. City Fathers on February 25th –Ash Wednesday—chopped down the five perfectly healthy and fine looking trees. They justified their arbor-cide because they are redoing the “streetscape”, apparently new trees and planters are planned. Sounds like a shovel ready project. It’s not like there have been development projects postponed midway due to the economy in the neighborhood. Why not streetscape around this quintet of lovely trees? There’s a plaque dedicating this corner to William Mercardo, a push cart seller of flavored ices for years until he was a victim of a shooting in the street. The trees celebrated his life. The stumps are now reminders of his tragic death. The unobstructed view of Jemma Loan pawnshop though, priceless.

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