Windy Snow… morning after the blizzard, traipsing and trudging towards the PATH… this isn’t snow it’s wind, wind pushing the snow, get ready for the drifts... More than a foot fell… how much more is to be determined, but the wind made it look deeper.
It’s a pain in the neck of course, and I figure my socks will be damp until April, but it looks nice, it’s fun, challenging, your familiar world suddenly not so familiar, a lunar tundra…

Man digging out the car, between the plows and the gusts creating drifts, mountains of snow... hills at least

The gift that keeps giving…
our downtown mosquito factory now dormant… see how the wind has formed a pond in the frozen muck, where are your skates Hans?

I can’t remember such drifts… although the wind in general in Jersey City has gotten worse, some blame climate change, some blame the new constructions… who is to say… but look at the drifts half way up the windows across the street, mountains of snow… winter wonder land without the wonder…

The NYC side of the PATH, it’s about nine o’clock, very little shoveling yet… freshly fallen, still white, why whine and gripe… see what this winter has to show you…
9am and so many people out and about. Fortunately Pricilla came around to shovel ... so nice! Nice pixs.